Appearances matter, so it’s important we always try to look our best. Sometimes it’s easy to miss the simple stuff, especially as we rush through our busy days. If you can you spare five minutes, you can look your best with five simple daily tricks. Who wouldn’t have time for that?

Look Your Best and Trim Your Sideburns
Your sideburns are the part of your haircut that will grow out the fastest. Eventually, they start to look messy, so give them a quick trim for a clean look without a trip to the barber. This refresh only works once between haircuts. Get the job done right with a legit tool like the Philips Norelco Multigroom Razor; it’ll keep you looking fresher longer.
Exfoliate Your Skin to Look Your Best
Every day, thousands of tiny skin cells on your face die. Without a good scrub, they can accumulate and produce dry, white flakes around your nose and forehead. It only takes a minute, so give your face a little love before you hit the sack at night. Adding a face scrub to a couple times per week will help you look fresh. We recommend Kiehl’s facial scrub for men.

Simple Daily Tricks: Blot the Oil
Our skin is naturally more oily than women’s. The upside is that it keeps your skin moisturized, so you’re looking younger for longer. However, the downside is that by day’s end, you’re greased up like a slice of pepperoni pizza. We all want nicer looking skin, right? One way to mitigate the effects of oily skin is to use blotting papers, like these from Clean & Clear. Give your nose and forehead a quick once-over before heading out after work.
On the flip side, if you suffer from unusually dry skin, the right moisturizer can help quickly revitalize your appearance. For starters, try Kiehl’s Oil Eliminator face wash. It’s great for all skin types, and will take you all of thirty seconds to do.

Bright Colored Shirts
The basic white dress shirt is a classic, but sticking only with neutrals can make you look a bit dull. For a sharper appearance, opt for more exciting colors. A bright salmon, red or aqua shirt will light up your face and make you stand out in a crowd. Furthermore, you can go solid, or experiment with something patterned. Check out Untuckit brand shirts; they give you a high-quality, clean look and the shirts fit great, without any tailoring or any “tucking in”.

Shiny Shoes
A Men’s Health survey found that the two main things women are checking out the most are your watch and your shoes. Unsurprisingly, scuffed shoes indicate a lack of attention to detail. Moreover, they also look like crap. Try the Sof Sol Instant Shine Kit , which will do the trick for all shoes.
If you don’t have a ton of time, try this easy method: Swipe the inside of a banana peel across your shoe and gently wipe off any excess dirt with a paper towel. Bananas have natural oils that will provide a quick shine to your kicks.
Unfortunately, most men fail to dedicate the time required to tighten up their look because they either aren’t aware of the tricks, or they wrongly think it doesn’t matter. In addition to having confidence, drive, and a plan, you’ve got to invest the effort into looking your best. The world is taking notice.
-Your Big Bro