Your Big Bro

Rules for Life

The Milliseconds That Determine Life & Death

Decisions in Milliseconds It takes 200 to 500 milliseconds, or less than a half a second, for sensory information from the outside world to be incorporated into conscious experience. This means that the

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Rules for Life

Avoiding Trouble – A Life Saving Guide

Is It Worth Your Life or Freedom? Your Big Bro That’s the one question you must ask yourself before engaging in any type of confrontation. Avoiding trouble is key to

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Rules for Life

Take Control of Your Life With These Ten Steps

Are you tired of feeling frustrated, trapped, and controlled by the circumstances of your life? Do you yearn to break free from this seemingly monotonous cycle and seize the reins

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A Psycho Girlfriend Will Make or Break You

Unless you end up marrying your high school sweetheart, most of us will experience the pain and insanity of a psycho girlfriend. She will make your life hell for some

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Rules for Life

The Manhood Manifesto

Men: the path through manhood is generally a long, tough journey. It gets harder every year… but don’t worry, you’ll get harder too. Prepare to be taken for granted. Prepare

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Rules for Life

Appear Confident in All Situations

Feeling like you could use a little extra boost in the confidence department? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Confidence is the key to unlocking your full potential and making

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Overcoming the Fear of Being Seen as “Creepy”

Society loves slapping labels on people, and one of the most concerning is “creepy.” Creeps are unattractive, weird, and associated with perversions. As such, lots of men have challenges overcoming

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Connecting Scent and Attraction

This might not be top of mind, but it’s something that can make a big difference in your life – scent. You’re probably thinking, “Big Bro, I’ve got bigger things

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Create Fateful Connections With Serendipity

When it comes to dating, men often feel like they need to control every aspect of the process in order to succeed. However, sometimes the best way to create fateful

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Men Are Weaker Than Ever Says Shocking Data

Grandpa would've kicked your ass...

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