One of the most discussed topics among men of drinking age is “hangover cures”. Everyone has their own spin on things; from Chinese food, to working out, or a good massage. To date, nobody has been able to definitively solve the problem of nausea, soreness, dizziness, a pounding headache, and overall feeling like death. With that, your big bro brings to you simple ways to beat your hangover and feel great.
The Science of The Hangover
Before being able to solve the problem, it’s important to determine what causes the problem. Your brain is pounding out of your skull, your body feels like it went twelve rounds with Rocky Balboa, and your stomach is so sour that you can’t predict which end it’s all going to come out of… not a pretty sight.
The reason you feel this way has to do with ethanol – the alcohol in your drinks. It’s a toxic chemical that works in the body as a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more and you can become dehydrated as a result. Dehydration is one of the main causes of your hangover symptoms, which forces you to crawl into a ball under your sheets and hate your life for the next eight hours.

Ways To Beat Your Hangover
Now that you know the cause of the awful feelings you’re having, I present to you the foolproof method of preventing and / or curing them. It’s a two-step approach, any way you look at it. First, let’s start with prevention.
Preventing the hangover requires sound mind at the end of the night, which, for many of us, just isn’t a realistic option. If you’re level-headed enough to avoid passing out fully clothed on your floor, you have a real opportunity to prevent your hangover altogether. Ideally, the prevention play requires three steps, but one is optional.
The first (optional step) is have a slice of bread when you get home. If you can’t manage to find a pizzeria on the way back to your place, bread will do. Next, grab a glass of water and swallow a Vitamin B Complex pill. Lucky for you, this vitamin combines essential nutrients that help convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. Additionally, they break down sugars in alcohol, so when you wake up you’ll feel like a human being again!
Next is the reactive approach a.k.a. Option two, for those of you that don’t make it home in a coherent state. It involves one thing: Pedialyte. This electrolyte drink is literally a miracle, and can rid you of your absolute worst hangovers. It also comes in a powder form, and this stuff literally wakes the dead. Drink some Pedialyte, eat something greasy, and you’re on your way to join the living again.

Remember, drinking in excess is not healthy and has lots of negative side effects. It can give you skin issues, contribute to a Dad Bod gut, and even impact your sperm count. If you do drink in moderation and pick your spots, you’ll be alright.
-Your Big Bro
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