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Space Aliens are Here. The Truth is Coming Your Way.

The question of “are we alone” isn’t so simple, and has changed a bit over time. Today, people are wondering if we are not just alone in the vast universe, but whether or not we are alone on our own planet. That’s right; I’m talking about aliens right here on our big blue Earth. It may sound far-fetched, but recent news suggests space aliens are here. The truth is coming your way.

In 2017, the New York Times broke a story that the Pentagon was spending millions of dollars to secretly investigate UFOs. On top of that, they included video and audio of two US military jets’ encounter with a “fleet” of unidentified flying objects.  The fact that they admitted spending millions of dollars to investigate UFO’s in and of itself is incredible. On top of this, releasing real audio and visual of the actual encounter is a first of it’s kind. Usually, UFO videos are relegated to user generated content of clips on YouTube. Shockingly, this was an official government video!

Bombshell News On Space Aliens

Later, a global headline detailed the US Navy’s interaction with “unexplained aerial phenomenon” over the east coast in 2014 and 2015. Pilots told the paper they saw “strange objects” with “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes.” They reached at least 30,000 feet and flew at hypersonic speeds daily while training off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt.

The unidentified flying objects were seen performing maneuvers that were “beyond the physical limits of a human crew,” like stopping rapidly, turning instantly or immediately accelerating at hypersonic speeds, the pilots said.

US Navy Pilots

The Washington Post provided more details in its own story:

In some cases, pilots—many of whom are engineers and academy graduates—claimed to observe small spherical objects flying in formation. Others say they’ve seen white, Tic Tac–shaped vehicles. Aside from drones, all engines rely on burning fuel to generate power, but these vehicles all had no air intake, no wind and no exhaust.

Washington Post

Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Navy drafted new rules for reporting such sightings, according to Politico. Enough incidents occurred in “various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace” to prompt military officials to establish a formal system for analyzing unexplained phenomena. Members of Congress have asked about the claims, and Navy officials and pilots have responded with formal briefings.

International Governments and Space Aliens

The UFO mystery began in the 1940’s, when the Air Force began a series of studies investigating over 12,000 claimed U.F.O. sightings. Code-named Project Blue Book, the study concluded most sightings involved stars, clouds, conventional aircraft or spy planes. Interestingly, 701 remained unexplained.

Similarly, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden and the UK have declassified their UFO files since 2008. The French Committee for In-Depth Studies, or COMETA, was an unofficial UFO study group comprised of high-ranking scientists and military officials. COMETA studied UFOs in the late 1990s, and released the COMETA Report, which summarized their findings. They concluded that five percent of the encounters were reliable yet inexplicable.

The best hypothesis available was that the observed craft were extraterrestrial.

– COMETA Report

Furthermore, COMETA also accused the United States of covering up evidence of UFOs.

In addition, Iran has been concerned about spherical UFOs observed near nuclear power facilities that they call “CIA drones.” Reportedly thirty feet in diameter, they can achieve speeds up to Mach 10, and can leave the atmosphere. Extraordinarily, these speeds are on par with the fastest experimental aircraft! Curiously, a sphere without lift surfaces nor an obvious propulsion mechanism is beyond our most modern technological understanding.

Disclosure on Space Aliens

It seems full disclosure is coming soon, as evidenced by political chatter on the matter. In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign promised she would “open up government files on the subject of unexplained aerial phenomenon”. Her opponent, Donald Trump, doubled down on the idea when he campaigned on creating a “Space Force”. Subsequently, Trump succeeded in creating the military division, which went into effect in 2019. Unbeknownst to most, real estate mogul Robert Bigelow is also the founder of the space habitat company Bigelow Aerospace. Astonishingly, in an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes, Bigelow claimed to have parts from a recovered alien craft.

Clearly, something is going on, and the elite know about it. But, is the public ready for disclosure? Generations have grown up watching science fiction stories focused on alien life. Previously, it was “War of the Worlds”, and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. Then, 70’s and 80’s babies got “E.T.”, “The X-Files”, “Independence Day”, and “Men in Black.” Throw in Star Wars and Star Trek, and the theme of alien life has become mainstream.

Surely, the data backs it up the assumption. A 1990 Gallup poll found that 27 percent of Americans believed “extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth at some time in the past.” That number rose to 33 percent in 2001, before dropping back to 24 percent in 2005. Remarkably, in a 2017 poll, more than half of Americans said they believe in alien life! Acceptance of the idea had doubled in twenty seven years.

Explosion of UAP Sightings

Possibly fueling the acceptance that we are not alone is the number of reported UFO sightings .This has inexplicably spiked dramatically over the last thirty years. For context, 5,000 sightings were reported in 1980, and the number jumped to 45,000 in 2010. Take your eyes off your phone and look up at the skies!

A George Mason University study attributes this spike to society’s rate of internet connectivity in recent years. Unsurprisingly, modern technology makes it easier to submit reports with widespread internet access today than it was in the past. The combination of Hollywood influence and smartphone access has moved the conversation of alien life so far along in such a short amount of time that you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t open to the idea of little green men.

Most astronomers agree intelligent life must have existed outside of our Earth at some point in history, and studies have corroborated this theory. Start paying attention to the breadcrumbs of information the government is providing us. Have they been here in the past? Sure sounds that way. Are they here now? Likely.  Above all, are they hostile or friendly? Time will tell. When they ask to be taken to our leader, let’s hope it’s someone capable like Jocko Willink!

– Your Big Bro