

Don’t Believe the “Dad Bod” Hype

These days, there is a lot of hype around pudgy, unhealthy men’s bodies. The media is doing it to promote a more ”inclusive” world, where the bar is set extremely

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Rules for Life

Beware of Social Media Manipulation

Strong men know they must be responsible with what they decide to consume, whether it be the foods they eat, the books they read, or the energy they surround themselves

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Rules for Life

Deconstructing the DNA of Success

If you’re feeling stuck in life and can’t figure out why some people succeed and others fail, this article is for you.  Yes, some people have certain advantages which make

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Rules for Life

The Plight of Fatherless Homes with Adam B. Coleman

About 25% of children in America are growing up in single-parent households — three times the rate in 1960 — the majority of whom lack daily interactions with their fathers. If this

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Rules for Life

Seven Ways to Become Harder to Kill

In today’s world, we’ve seen countless instances of extreme violence, financial despair, severe mental illness, and devastating natural disasters. Throw in a recent pandemic with suffocating global restrictions, shocking street

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Rules for Life

A Conversation On Fatherless Homes With Adam B. Coleman

Last week I sat down with Adam B. Coleman, the author of Black Victim to Black Victor, to discuss the plight of fatherless homes in America. Adam has been a

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Five Important Factors to Consider When Choosing Groomsmen

Congrats brother! She said yes and now you’re planning your wedding. This is one of the most exciting times of your life, so enjoy it with your bride. However, be

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Rules for Life

Choose Your Battles: “It’s Not Worth It”

I received a message from a member of our community asking me to elaborate on the “it’s not worth it” piece we published. He was confused by blurry line between

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Improve Your Skin With Easy and Inexpensive Ways

This may not feel like a masculine topic, because guys are generally not open about their skincare routines like ladies. Women openly love their skincare products, and the statistics on

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Rules for Life

Why Email is Like Herpes. How to Protect Yourself

A wise man once told me “Email is like herpes. Once it’s out there, it can spread to anyone and it’s there forever.” This is true of all digital communication.

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