

Better Online Dating Results Using Five Methods

Woe is me! Unfortunately, the sentiment conveyed by this pathetic gentlemen is quite common in today’s victim-filled society. If you keep playing the victim card, your situation will never improve.

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Rules for Life

Learn to Say No So You Can Live a Better Life

Saying “yes” seems easy on the surface, because it allows you to please everyone. If you never tell anyone no, you never have to disappoint them. Consequently, a life of

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Rules for Life

It’s Better To Be Judged By Twelve Than Carried By Six!

Before you’re blindsided by an attack, consider the following hypothetical situation. It’s a regular Tuesday morning and you’ve just downed your coffee as you head to work. Fifty feet from

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Rules for Life

Three Important Reasons You Should Avoid Looking For Trouble

In reading the news each day, I almost always come across a story about a guy who sadly experienced a very preventable death. Take this case in Ohio: a teenage

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Cool Stuff

Seven Ways The Mind-Blowing Sci-Fi Future Is Now Here

All of the futuristic technologies we saw in movies over the last fifty years are becoming reality.

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Sex Advice For Men in Red States

Any man who's planning to have sex to think twice before putting it in, because the game has changed.

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Five Revolutionary Movies That Predicted The Woke Tech Surveillance State

We are living in strange times. Someone born in the 1800’s might mistake us for an alien species, or maybe just plain insane. However, we can’t say we didn’t see

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Seven Ways to Improve Plummeting Sperm Count and Quality

Shanna H. Swan, Ph. D., is one of the world’s leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologists. In her new book “Countdown”, Dr. Swan has sounded the alarm about how our modern

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Rules for Life

Anything Is Offensive If You Want It To Be

I saw a woman post this on LinkedIn the Monday following Father’s Day. Seems like an overreach, right? Father’s Day is a happy holiday which celebrates Dads around the country…

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What Every Man Needs To Know About Home Security

“The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.” – Henry Ford I’m sorry if no one has ever

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