
First Date Tips to Bring You Closer

We all want to make a good impression on a first date. Whether you meet online or in-person, our article shares some first meetup tips for you to help you build connections and have a great time. From dealing with conversation droughts to planning a location, we answer your first rendezvous questions.

Planning the first rendezvous can be a nerve-wracking experience. You might worry about making a bad impression, about awkward silences, or about being rejected. Relationship experts have been studying couple’s behaviour across the best dating sites and have noticed some common problems that people have with the initial date. With this research in mind, we’ve come up with some first date tips to help you hit the dating scene with confidence!

First Date Tips to Impress Your Date

1.  Pick the Right Location

There is something to be said about getting the location spot on when arranging a first date. Although a meal out is a classic first rendezvous choice, this can sometimes lead to problems. Going out for dinner is a lengthy, intimate process. You’ll be sitting together at the table for a while or, at least, until you finish your food. If you click, this can be wonderful! However, if conversation falls flat or there is an immediate personality clash, it can be shockingly awkward.

Instead, why not keep the first rendezvous casual with the potential to go on elsewhere if it’s going well?Meet your date for a drink but make it clear you are free afterward and can prolong the date if you hit it off. This is one of the best first rendezvous tips after meeting online as you often don’t know much about the person.

2.  Remember That Men and Women Date Differently

Although there are many useful first rendezvous tips that apply to both genders, there are a few key differences in the way men and women date. One major difference is the way that males and females communicate around the meeting, rather than during.Psychologists find that women tend to be more anxious and want clear information about logistics and planning.

Men, on the other hand, are more reserved. They do not want to seem overly keen and will often hold back with communication, even if they like the person. If you’re looking for first meeting tips for women, remember that a man’s casual messaging style does not always mean disinterest. A man may genuinely like you and casually want to see where things go, without putting labels on things too fast.

Similarly, first date tips for men would remind them that their laid-back attitude can stress women out. Men should try to set aside their pride and open up a little if they like a woman. You won’t irrecoverably damage your manhood if you send a text confirming a meeting or saying you had a nice time. In fact, this will win you brownie points.

3.  Ask Questions

One of the best first rendezvous tips to impress a girl is to ask her questions about herself and take a sincere interest in the answer. Many people go into a meeting planning to talk about themselves. This is fine and it’s good to show your personality on a date. However, creating a two-way conversation is vital to develop a connection.

You can even plan some questions or conversation topics beforehand. Don’t force them into the conversation but have them in the back of your mind if the chat starts to dwindle. Remember, people like to be asked about themselves, and taking a genuine interest will often lead to a natural conversational flow.


Remember, dating isn’t like an exam. You can’t pass or fail. Instead, dating is an opportunity to have a nice time with someone, regardless of where it will lead. After all, what are the first meeting tips for if you aren’t having fun? Give some of these a try next time you have a date!

Final Call: Do you get nervous before a first meeting? What first date tips do you use to woo your partner? What was your best first rendezvous and why? Share your stories with us in the comments!

Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.