
November’s Dad of the Month

We are proud to announce that November’s Dad of the month is Jason Last of Long Island, New York! A 48 year old retired NYPD detective, Jason is a father to Jenn, Ryan, and Connor. This man is an absolute unit and not one to be messed with.

Jason’s philosophy on parenting is deep:

“We were all bought up different ways in life. Not all of our parenting skills are perfect, but we as parents must try . As men, we must teach our children determination from birth. Teaching them everything possible so one day when they are grown and on their own we can say to ourselves “they are ready”. We as men have children looking up to us watching our every move, listening to every word, and watching our every reaction. I am the first to tell you I am no saint. I have cursed and yelled and heard my children repeat it. We learn from our children as much as they learn from us. I find myself more and more a mix of my mom and dad when I try to teach them life lessons everyday.”

Jason continued:

“My daughter is married now and works at a college. She also started her own photography business, which is doing very well. She has been published in numerous bridal magazines. My older son attends college on a football scholarship and maintains 3.5 GPA. My youngest is still in high school with a 98 average. I call him “my little old man” because of the conversations we have. He has things memorized that none of us would think of. My advice as a parent is to make sure your kids know that they aren’t going to be perfect – no one is. Make sure they know to never give up. Never stop fighting for their dreams.

They must work hard for what they want. Learn from their mistakes and improve themselves. The main thing you must instill in them is that you will always be there for them when they fall.

His favorite thing about being a dad is the ability to share moments in time with them. “There are going to be hundreds and thousands of moments that you will not forget. Seeing them smile, seeing them laugh, and seeing them cry. Watching them fight for what they believe in and what they dream to be. The fact that they look up to me and value my opinion.  They fact that I have watched my little girl become a woman and my sons are growing up to be respectful young men. The achievements they have accomplished and are still accomplishing are incredible.”

Jason, thanks for your service to our community, and thanks for being such a great role model. We salute you as our Dad of the Month!

– Your Big Bro