“Ghosting” is the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. It involves one person cutting off all connection with someone else without any explanation. As common as this behavior is, when you ghost someone it reveals cowardice.
Clearly, your decisions are inherently your own, and no explanations nor apologies are required for the manner you live your life. However, ghosting does not apply to this life code because relationships involve more than just your life. Consequently, you have connected with someone else and inserted yourself into their life. With that comes an expectation of mutual trust and respect, neither of which are included in “ghosting”.

Composition of a Relationship
Understand that a relationship is comprised of three identities: you, the other person, and the relationship itself. Starting a relationship with someone creates an interpersonal pact, with both parties trusting that the terms of the pact are to be upheld. Someone who “ghosts” another person is ignoring the pact, proving their word means nothing. The ghoster shows true lack of character, as they do not have the courage to face their partner and own up to their decision to leave the relationship .
People that break deals and run away from problems are cowards. Consequently, they are never to be trusted because they take no accountability for their actions. Similarly, they’ve exhibited a tendency to see other people as a means to an end. Sadly, this implies that people who ghost others do not feel the need to treat other people with decency and respect.
Stop ghosting people. You are destroying your reputation, and you are inviting terrible karma into your life. On top of that, the person you ghosted is sure to face serious psychological damage due to being rejected without reason, and lack of closure. You’re spitting in their face and walking away, without ever telling them why.

Why To Ghost Someone is Cowardly
As a man, you want to live a life of integrity and honor. Dishonesty and cowardice should not be part of that equation. For those that don’t understand why ghosting is the true mark of a loser, consider these five explanations.
When you break a deal with someone, you jeopardize your reputation. Equally important, lacking the courage to face the person you had the pact with reflects poorly character. Moreover, taking no accountability for your actions reveals you are not a responsible adult. On top of this, you’ve demonstrated treating someone subhuman is acceptable to you. Lastly, integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and uprightness. The exact definition of integrity has been ignored, making you weak.
Do not live the life of a coward. Every time you compromise the foundation of your moral character, the frame weakens. For this reason, it behooves you to address challenging situations head on, and proceed knowing you are a man of your word.

Romance Isn’t the Only Place to Ghost Someone
Be advised, ghosting is not limited to romantic relationships. Unbelievably, it has made its way into the workplace. Recent trends show job candidates abruptly cutting off communication with the company or person leading the hiring process. Shockingly, they cutting ties without even the professionalism to say “thanks, but no thanks”. Even worse, there are frequent instances of candidates accepting the position and failing to show up for work on day one.
No matter what your profession, word gets around and your reputation gets ruined. If you are short-sighted enough to pull a stunt like this, expect to be blacklisted in the future. You will destroy your professional image and people will be hesitant to partner with you.
Follow the golden rule: simply treat other people how you’d like to be treated. Step up to the plate, have the honest conversation, and part ways. Said conversation does not need to be detailed, nor in-depth. Using a simple “it’s just not right for me”, will suffice. Being afraid or hesitant to face confrontation is natural, but it’s irrational to let that fear ruin your good name. Do the right thing, and don’t ghost.
– Your Big Bro

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